Clamp Float and Integer Values in Unreal Engine

What is the Clamp Blueprint Node in Unreal Engine?

The “Clamp” Blueprint node in Unreal Engine is helpful because it keeps a value within a specific range.

This ensures the value, float or integer, doesn’t go too high or too low, which can be really important in different situations to prevent unexpected problems.

For example, if you’re working on how fast a character moves, you might use a “Clamp” node to make sure the speed doesn’t get too slow or too fast. This helps keep the game experience steady and controlled for the player.

If you’re new to Unreal Engine, make sure you understand data types and math operators first.

Clamp Blueprint Example

  1. Open the Event Graph and add three Blueprint nodes:
    • Space bar or any other Event Node
    • Clamp Integer or Float
    • Connect the two previous nodes to a Print String.
  2. Set the Clamp node:
    • Set the “Value” input of the Clamp node to 100, or any other value.
    • Set the “Max” input to 45,5, or any other value.
  3. Compile and Save.

Now, when you play your game, it will clamp the value 100 to 45,5.

So, it will output will be 45,5 in the console instead of 100.

This example is valuable for learning because it illustrates the fundamental use of the “Clamp” node. Additionally, it demonstrates how to effectively connect nodes to achieve a specific behavior and introduces basic debugging through the “Print String” node, providing visibility into the outcome of operations.

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